How to find trial chambers in Minecraft?

key takeaways

The Trial Chamber presents challenges and provides rewards
These trial chambers add interesting features to the gameplay of Minecraft
You can easily find the Trial Chamber with this short guide

key takeaways

The Trial Chamber presents challenges and provides rewards
These trial chambers add interesting features to the gameplay of Minecraft
You can easily find the Trial Chamber with this short guide
Minecraft 1.21 added the Minecraft trial chambers structure. I will show you the easiest way to find the new trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21 for Bedrock and Java editions.
The new Trial Chamber structure is introduced in Minecraft 1.21. It is mainly made of new copper, Hard Blocks, Trial Spawners, Vaults, and ominous Vaults.

How to find a trial chamber in Minecraft?

1. Find a villager

The easiest way is to find the village as there is a certain villager who can sell you a map that leads you to the trial chamber structure. You will need a cartographer so a cartographer is a villager with a cartography table workstation.
Minecraft villager
You can create a cartography table with four boards and two sheets of paper. When you buy a map from a cartographer, you can level up and then you can now get the trial chamber map.
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2. Trial Chambers Map

To find the trial chamber hidden underground, you need to find a location that the map gives you. After getting the map from the cartographer, look at the map and you will see an icon as shown in the image below.
Minecraft trial chamber map
This is where you need to find the underground trial chamber. When you reach this place, go deeper down, and you will easily find your trial chamber.
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Scott Boland (Writer since 2021)
Scott is a gaming journalist with extensive experience in the gaming industry.
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